CARtoons is a 100
page book published
by Car Busters Press. It looks at
negative impact of automobiles on American Society and the world. It
over 88 of my cartoons and illustrations as well as AUTObiographical
facts, quotations, resources and a foreword by Jane Holtz Kay
of Asphalt Nation).
The book's images may be freely reproduced for the
non-profit use of
individuals or groups fighting cars. For this purpose, it comes with an
optional CD-ROM containing all of the images in the book (plus over 70
newer ones) in
600 dpi, TIF format.
I am out of this book but you may still be able
to find used copies on the web. Check back as I may get some more
printed up ...and email me if you're interested in purchasing 50 or more
copies, in which case I'll definitely print some more.
The French and Portuguese editions are still available. Follow the links below.
For further information, contact me